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Learn is a comprehensive suite of over 300 modules of content aligned to the NDIS Practice Standards and High Intensity Skill Descriptors. With the ability to customise content to your particular business needs through a selection of relevant topics curated in alignment with your services and specific industry standards.

The iinduct platform provides flexibility, ease of use, and automation allowing management to monitor progress effortlessly and customise learning paths, ensuring your team stays compliant in the ever-evolving NDIS, Allied Health and Aged Care sectors.  Empower a compliance-focused approach to learning across your team whilst gaining valuable insights through detailed reporting functions so your services remain at the forefront of industry expectations.

Learn with iinduct

Access a comprehensive selection of over 300 modules specifically tailor-made to suit your particular business needs.  Customise the  platform with your organisation’s own look and feel, including logos and colour schemes, ensuring a seamless integration with your business’s branding.
Provide appropriate insights to auditors through appropriate dashboards and reporting.  Automation functionality to aid in streamlining workflows, distributing modules appropriately ensuring employees can see exactly what’s required of them in their own dashboard.
Track Progress
Streamline staff compliance management and get the transparency you need through tailored assessment tasks and knowledge checks that align with your standards and timelines throughout the induction process.
Evaluate and approve Compliance Documents as well as set up training records for both internal and external courses.  Generate comprehensive reports from agency-wide to individual levels within your portal to efficiently managing auditing and reporting requirements of your business.

Content List

Module A: Welcome & Introduction

1. Welcome to Your Organisation

This can include a CEO welcome video.

2. Vision Mission and Values

Includes Vision, Mission/Purpose, Values (or what your organisation calls them)

3. Our History

A brief overview of the history of your organisation.

4. Our Services

A brief overview of the services your organisation provides for customers

5. Our Future Directions

Describes how customers/participants have greater choice over the services that they access, and who will provide their services – what does this mean for the organisation and the new employee?

6. Customer Service in a Community Service Setting

Basic overview of what Customer Service is in the context of Disability and Aged Services (choice, control, and flexibility). Also describes some techniques used by frontline staff for excellent customer service. Video animation.

Module B: Getting Started at Your Organisation

1. The National Employment Standards

Overview of National Employment Standards as per the Fair Work Act 2009. Includes download of: 

  • Fair Work Information Sheet.
  • Casual Employment Information Sheet.
  • Fixed Term Employment Information Sheet. 
2. Awards and Agreements

Brief overview of relevant awards (e.g. SCHADS, Nurses Award) and Enterprise Agreements – as applicable to your organisation.

3. Online Systems

An introduction to your organisation’s Customer Management System or HRIS platform.

4. Rostering Expectations

Basic overview of efficient rostering based on a flexible workforce focussed on customer needs.

5. Pays and Leave

An overview of your pay process and different types of leave (including annual leave, sick leave, carer’s leave etc.) What employees are entitled to and the process of requesting leave.

6. Flexible Work Practices

Basic overview of Flexible Work Practices if applicable.

7. Intro to Salary Packaging

An overview of Salary Packaging Benefits available to staff if provided.

8. Introduction to EAP

Employee Assistance Program if available, provides counselling and support to employees.

9. On-Call Availability

A basic introduction of the on-call process for after-hours assistance – who to call, when to call, when not to call.

Module C: Standards, Quality & Safeguarding

1. Australian Privacy Principles

A summary of the 13 Australian Privacy Principles.

2. Code of Conduct

Basic overview of the expectations of professional conduct that must reflect the organisation’s values.

3. Confidentiality

A basic overview of the confidentiality expectations of people working in the community and disability services sector. Outlines personal and private information, accessing information on a “need to know” basis, and the employment and legal ramifications if confidentiality is breached.

4. Quality

Basic introduction to quality systems – why they are used and the process that is taken. Includes optional reference to your policy library/portal.

5. United Nations Convention

Overview of the United Nations Convention.

6. Protection of Human Rights and Freedom from Abuse and Neglect (includes indicators of abuse and neglect)

Summary of the duty of care to ensure that the rights of individuals are respected, their wellbeing safeguarded and that they are not exposed to any form of abuse or neglect. Describes types of abuse: including physical, sexual, psychological, financial, legal/civil or systemic, and indicators that may identify that abuse or neglect is occurring.

7. Dealing with a Disclosure or Concern

Short animation describing how staff should deal with a disclosure or concern if needed whilst supporting a person.

8. Public Guardian and Public Trustee

Explains the different roles that the public guardian and trustee has to assist customers (state specific or multi-jurisdiction if multiple states).

9. Community Visitor Programs

Community Visitor Programs or Schemes allow for independent monitoring of services provided to vulnerable adults, children and young people.

Module D: NDIS Essentials

1. United Nations Convention (Rights of Persons with Disability)

Overview of the United Nations Convention with a focus on People with a Disability. Provides context for Disability Service Standards.

2. NDIS Overview

Overview of the NDIS and its purposes, including the role of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

3. NDIS Code of Conduct

Outlines the 8 elements of the NDIS Code of Conduct with link to the NDIS: Guidance for NDIS Workers document.

4. NDIS Practice Standards

Overview of the 4 core practice standards plus supplementary modules for NDIS Providers.

5. Capacity Building

Explains the Capacity Building approach to service provision including empowering participants to take ownership for their own development.

6. Reportable Incidents

Overview of Reportable Incident process under the NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission – What is reportable, and the time frame in which the Commission needs to be notified.

7. Emergency and Disaster Management Plans

Overview of the purpose and content of emergency management plans which are required to be in place for each NDIS participant.

Module E: Aged Care Essentials

1. Aged Care Charter of Rights

The Charter of Aged Care Rights (the Charter) sets out the rights of all people receiving Government-subsidised aged care services. The Charter applies regardless of the type of care or service.

2. Aged Care Code of Conduct

The Aged Care Code of Conduct aims to build confidence and trust in aged care, empower consumers and bring a strong focus to a person’s right to receive safe and quality services.

3. National Aged Care Standards

Overview of the national standards for Aged Care.

4. Consumer Directed Care

Consumer Directed Care (or CDC) is a way of delivering services that encourages older people to have greater control over their own lives.

5. Serious Incident Response Scheme

Overview of the Serious Incident Response Scheme (Residential and Community Aged Care), outlining provider reporting obligations and Priority 1 and 2 incidents.

6. The ANN-ACC model

A basic overview of AN-ACC funding model and its purpose in Residential Aged Care.

Module F: Supporting Children & Young People

1. United Nations Convention (Rights of the Child)

Overview of the United Nations Convention with a focus on the rights of children.

2. Child Protection Guiding Principles

Overview of the Guiding Principles for Child Protection.

3. National Principles for Child Safe Organisations

Overview of the 10 National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.

4. Mandatory Reporting

Any staff suspecting the occurrence of abuse are required to notify their supervisor immediately regardless of proof or client consent. References mandated reporting requirements for the relevant State or Territory.

5. Youth Sexuality

A guide to Youth Sexuality and how staff can support youth with their sexuality (includes age of consent information).

Other Standards & Reporting Topics (if required by organisations)

1-6. NSW

1. Reportable Conduct (NSW Office of Children’s Guardian – Brief overview)*
2. NSW Children’s Guardian & Reportable Conduct (Detailed overview)**
3. NSW Child Safe Standards for Permanent Placement (Basic Overview)*
4. NSW Child Safe Standards for Permanent Placement (Detailed)**
5. NSW SSRC (formerly VOOHC) (Basic overview)*
6. NSW SSRC (Detailed Overview)**

*will be added to Supporting Children & Young People module.
**will be made as a separate module.
7-9. QLD

7. Critical Incident reporting (QLD Govt)^
8. Human Service Quality Framework Standards (QLD)^
9. OOHC Standards (QLD)*

^will be added to Standards Quality and Safeguarding module.
*will be added to Supporting Children and Young People module.
10. SA

SA Charter of Rights for Children & Young People in Care*

*will be added to Supporting Children and Young People module.
11. TAS

TAS Charter of Children’s & Young Person’s Rights*

*will be added to Supporting Children and Young People module.
12-14. VIC

12. Critical Client Incident Management (VIC only) CIMs^
13. VIC Child Safe Standards and Code of Conduct (intro)*
14. VIC Child Safe Standards  (detailed)**

^will be added to Standards Quality and Safeguarding module.
*will be added to Supporting Children and Young People module.
**will be made as a separate module.
15-16. WA Standards and Reporting Topics (if required)

15. Critical Client Incident Management (VIC only) CIMs^
16. Mental Health Commission Notifiable Incidents (WA Only)^

^will be added to Standards Quality and Safeguarding module.
17. Mental Health: Other Standards and Reporting Topics (if required by organisations)

Overview of 10 National Standards for Mental Health Services.  applicable to a broad range of mental health services, including bed based and community mental health services. Not intended to apply to services where mental health is not the main focus, such as community disability or aged care services. *

*will be made as a separate module.

18-24. Specialist Services (where selected, will be added to the Standards Quality and Safeguarding module)

18.  National Quality Framework for Children’s Services
19.  Disability Service Standards for Education 
20.  Attendant Care Industry Standards (ACIS)
21.  RACGP Standards
22.  QIC Health & Community Services (QIC) Standards
23.  National Volunteering Standards 
24.  National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS) 

25. National Settlement Standards for Refugees

Overview of the 8 National Settlement Standards – for refugees.

Module G: Principles & Practice

1. Person Centred Practice and Planning

Explains the philosophy of Person Centred Practice and Planning.

2. Active Support

Explains the concept of active support – engaging people in their own
support and activities and the positive results that come from this model (Includes video Animation)

3. Duty of Care, Dignity of Risk and Negligence

Overview of duty of care, dignity of risk and negligence. Discuss the dignity of risk and that the person has the right to make an informed choice – but in an emergency duty of care outweighs the dignity of risk. Also covers the importance of documentation. (Includes video Animation).

4. Participant (Customer) Complaints

Brief introduction outlining that participants have a right to complain if they are not satisfied with the services that they are being provided. Also outlines the role that employees have in assisting participants to make a complaint. 

5. Respectful Language

Basic overview on the importance of language when working with people with disability and/or older people– be specific, focus on the positive, avoid focussing on disability or age, avoid negativity (disability focus or aged care focus or combined – depending on your customers).

6. Professional Boundaries

Personal and Professional Boundaries – cannot have financially or emotionally dependent relationships, physically dependent relationships or any type of sexual relationship.

7. Relationships and Sexuality

Discusses people with a disability or aged have the right to make choices about their own relationships and sexuality, they must be given information so that they can make their own decisions (disability focus or aged care focus or combined – depending on your customers).

8. Culturally Sensitive Organisation

Describes a culture within an organisation that strives to ensure that there is a workplace free from discrimination, and one that provides for respect, acceptance, awareness, and openness to cultural difference.

9. Social Role Valorisation

Overview of SRV – a person has a valued social role within their community.

10. Key Worker Roles

Describes how a Key Worker supports individuals by taking a leading role in their support and the realization of achieving their personal goals. This is often in close collaboration with other support team members and other individuals closely linked to the person being supported.

11. Intro to Supporting Individuals with Their Money

Guidance on how to help people manage their money – through trust, safety, accountability, and transparency.

12. Motivational Communication and Interviewing

Briefly discusses the technique of motivational interviewing when supporting an individual to strengthen the person’s commitment to change.

13. Recovery Based Practice (Mental Health)

An overview of the principle of Recovery Based Practice helping people to retain or regain personal responsibility and control of their lives.

14. Trauma Informed Practice

An overview of what it means to be a Trauma Informed organisation, outlining 6 key principles of trauma informed practice.

Module H: Introduction to Positive Behaviour Support & Restrictive Practices

1. Positive Behaviour Support

Positive approach to behaviour support focuses on the whole person, looks at the person’s lifestyle, environment, and goals. Support is implemented in a way to minimise restrictions placed on the person and recognises the person’s right to choose. Also discusses that behaviour is a form of communication (includes a video about behaviour and communication).

2. Changes of Behavoir Change

Overview of the common causes of behavoir change including Trauma and Trauma Informed Practice.

3. Managing Escalating Behaviour

Discusses the basic rules of thumb for managing escalating behaviour.

4.Restrictive Practices

Overview of restrictive practices: Physical Restraint, Mechanical Restraint and Chemical Restraint (shows diagrams) Discusses the need for Behaviour Support Plans if restrictive practices are in place. Discusses other forms of restrictions such as money, possessions, food, family etc. Maps to the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission interpretations.

Module I: Safe Work Practices

1. Introduction to WHS (OHS)

What is WHS (or OHS)? – An overview of the WHS principles and that it is everyone’s responsibility (Includes video Animation of the 6 principles of WHS)

2. Risk Management

What is Risk? How can we manage risk? Includes examples of risk reduction strategies. Includes practical examples.

3. Slips, Trips, and Falls

Overview of high-risk activities and areas of falls and how to prevent falls from happening.

4. Hazardous Manual Tasks (including control measures)

Short animation with explanation of Hazardous Manual Tasks and strategies to reduce whilst performing manual tasks.

5. Minimal Lift Principles

Describes Minimal Lift Approach and ways to reduce risk whilst lifting and moving objects.

6. Workplace Injuries (Key Principles - Prevention and Role)

What to do if you are injured at work, rehabilitation back to work, prevention of workplace injuries

7. Hazards and Incidents (including reporting)

Definitions of Hazards and Incidents, Reporting of potential hazards to
reduce risk of injury. Usually includes Hazard/incident form, Risk Rating Matrix and screenshots of relevant documentation.

8. First Aid

All workplaces and work vehicles will have first aid kits. Some staff will hold first aid certificates and will act as First Aid Officers for the organisation.

9. Chemicals in the home and workplace

How to store and use chemicals safely in the home or workplace (including MDS sheet)

10. Smoke-free workplace

Discusses what a Smoke Free Workplace means (includes Vaping), offers “Quitline” info.

11. Drugs and Alcohol While at Work

Overview of your organisation’s policy/approach to drugs and alcohol in the workplace.

12. Working Alone

If carers are expected to work alone – they must have strategies to ensure they can work safely (having a buddy system until the carer is competent at the job, providing work schedules where safety is the key priority, providing training on working alone, regular communication with
managers etc.

13. The Home as a Workplace

Staff who work in people’s homes must treat the person’s home as a workplace – includes WHS/OHS issues and procedures etc

14. Food Safety

Brief outline of food safety in community and office settings (appropriate temperature, food preparation techniques, storage of food

15. Remote Travel

Discusses how to stay safe when travelling in very remote areas (outback).

16. Water and Sun Safety

Identifying risks and how to maintain safety in aquatic areas (pools, rivers, lakes, and at the beach) and Sun safety when supporting individuals.

17. Managing Fatigue

Overview of signs of fatigue as well as how fatigue in the workplace can be minimised – it is both the employees and organisation’s responsibility.

18. Critical Incidents

A critical incident is any event that has significance for the employee, that has an impact on their personal and professional work; for example, a medical emergency, a difficult situation, dealing with a person who is self-harming or threatening suicide or even the death of a customer. Employees have a responsibility to ensure people are safe, but also must take care of themselves whilst dealing with these situations.

19. Violence and Aggression in the Workplace

An overview of violence and aggression in the workplace and how it is not “just part of the job” and is not tolerated in any workplace.

20. WH&S Consultation

Overview of your process for WHS consultation e.g. through regular staff meetings or via dedicated WHS committee.

Module J: Emergency Response Procedures

1. Emergency Response Procedures

Overview of Emergency Procedures; can include (if relevant to your org):

  • Evacuation Plans
  • Pandemic Response Plans
  • Bomb threat
  • Emergency colour codes.
2. Emergency Response Procedures - Fire Safety

What to do in the event of a fire.

3. Fire Extinguishers and Fire Blankets

Identifies the different types of fire extinguishers (which ones used for which fire) and how to safely use a fire blanket

4. Bushfire Emergencies

Overview of what to do in a bushfire emergency (bushfire prone areas) using the new Australian Fire Danger Rating System (AFDRS) – as of 1st Sept 2022 – all states & territories.

5. Flood Emergencies

Overview of what to do in a flood emergency (Flood prone areas).

6. Severe Weather Events (depending on where your organisation is located can include cyclones)

A basic overview of severe weather events (or severe tropical storms and cyclones) and standard procedures for individuals working for an organisation in these zones – written to reflect what part of Australia service is in.

7. Australian Warning System

The national approach for the provision of information and advice for bushfire, flood, storm, cyclone, extreme heat and severe weather. (Advice, Watch and Act, Emergency)

Module K: Workplace Behaviours & Expectations

1. Dress Code

Dress expectations (depending on each Agency’s Dress Code)

2. Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination

Outline and examples of what bullying, harassment and discrimination is and that there is zero tolerance in the workplace – including what to do if it does occur. Also covers what bullying is NOT – e.g. legitimate performance review by a supervisor is not bullying if done appropriately. Includes reference to “Positive Duty” in relation to Sexual Harassment.

3. Employee Grievances

Describes the process to follow if staff have a workplace grievance.

4. Whistle Blowing

Describes the process that if staff feel that their concern has not been dealt with appropriately, then staff may raise the issue of concern directly with the CEO, the President of our Board, a Senior Manager, or even an external agency without fear of retaliation or discrimination by any of the above or others within the organisation.

5. Company Property

All company property is to be used for what it is intended for and that all assets will be treated with respect and maintained as needed. Company Intellectual property is also included in this section.

6. Motor Vehicle Usage

Staff may need to use company vehicles or their own private vehicles. Must be fully licensed, have a well-maintained, fully insured vehicle and there is zero tolerance to drugs and alcohol, drivers and passengers must always use seat belts. Motor Vehicle running sheets are also used.

7. Mobility Parking Scheme (State Specific)

Overview of the eligibility information of the Mobility Parking Scheme and it’s correct use.

8. Supervision and Performance Management

Overview of Support and Supervision, Performance Management and Annual Performance Reviews.

9. Training and Professional Development

Individual responsibility and organisational responsibility for professional development and maintain competence.

10. The Five Ways to Wellbeing

Overview of taking care of yourself and being healthy in the workplace and at home connecting, being active, taking notice, learning and giving.

11. Introduction to LGBTIQ Communities

Overview of the discrimination and challenges that LGBTIQ communities often face.

12. Introduction to CALD communities

Overview of working with or in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities and customers.

13. Introduction to First Nations Communities

Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities including the importance of Family and Kinship, Communication and Building Rapport with communities.

14. Introduction to Supporting Refugees as a Customer Group

An overview of services provided and the challenges refugees face when joining a new community.

15. Volunteers

Overview of the importance of the role Volunteers play within an organisation.

16. Family & Domestic Violence Awareness

Basic overview of Family & Domestic Violence Awareness including Australian Govt Respect video.

Module L: Workplace Communication & Reporting

1. Workplace Communication and Documentation

Importance and impact of communication in the workplace via email, forms, notes, discussions and meetings.

2. Basics of Appropriate IT usage

Do’s and Don’ts of appropriate IT usage e.g. social media, downloading data for non-business activities, inappropriate sharing of junk information via email/message.

3. Report Writing

Basics of report writing including the importance of accurate documentation, modes of documentation (written file notes, online entries).

4. Meetings

Meetings are regularly run by organisations – staff must be prompt, be prepared and be attentive. Also includes online meeting etiquette.

5. Communication Skills

Effective communication is essential to always ensure a team functions to its greatest potential. It consists of active listening, being assertive and using “I” statements.

Module M: Infection Control in a Community Setting

1. What is infection and how is it spread?

What is an infection and how does it spread throughout the population? Includes video animation on the “chain of infection”.

2. COVID-19 and Respiratory Illnesses

Reference to COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses such as Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). How they spread, prevention and protection (including masks).

3. Infection Control - Standard Precautions

Overview of infection control principles (prevention and management of infection, use of PPE), when to stay home from work when you’re sick.

4. Infection Control - Handwashing

Correct handwashing technique (video) for community settings.

5. Infection Control - Removing Gloves

Correct technique for removing gloves (video) for community settings.

6. Infection Control– use of alcohol based hand rub

Describes the benefits of alcohol rub and how to use it.

7. Infection Control – Transmission-based precautions

Additional precautions are used when supporting individuals who are known or are suspected to be infected with diseases where standard precautions may be insufficient to prevent the spreading of infection.  

Covers Contact, Droplet and Airborne precautions.

8. Cleaning and Disinfection

Overview of cleaning standards including guidelines for frequently touched surfaces and minimally touched surfaces.

9. Management of Waste

Overview of safely cleaning up and disposing of body or hazardous waste, linen and equipment after a spill using PPE.

10. Managing Exposure

What to do in the event of exposure to blood or body fluid.

11. Sharps Disposal

Safe use and disposal of sharps.

Module N: Personal Support & Care - A

1. Introduction to Individual Support

An introduction to individual support – the main focus is to be person centred and to work with people’s abilities.

2. Support Worker Roles

Outlines the role that support workers have within an organisation – that they are to support individuals by following policy and procedures, to work safely and uphold the core values of the organisation, and how support workers can have an impact on whether or not a client chooses to stay with an organisation in the future

3. Allied Health

Overview of allied health professionals and how they can provide additional and ongoing support. Touch on Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Dietitians, Speech Therapist, Psychologists, and the role support workers have in this larger multidisciplinary team.

4. What is disability and intellectual disability?

What a Disability is, the most common causes of disability and how people can be affected by their disability. The main focus is to be person centred and to work with people’s abilities.

5. Introduction to Down Syndrome

A basic overview of Down Syndrome, and how it can impact people

6. Introduction to Autism

A basic overview of Autism and the Autism Spectrum, and how it can impact people – including Autism video with Hugo Weaving.

7. Introduction to Cerebral Palsy

A basic overview of Cerebral Palsy, and how it can impact people

8. Introduction to Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)

Overview of what and ABI is and how it occurs, and how people can be impacted by and ABI

9. Introduction to Mental Illness and Mental Disorders

A basic introduction to Mental Health Disorders (Mood, Anxiety and Psychotic disorders)

10. Intro to Dementia and Dementia Safety

Overview of Dementia, it’s impact on people and how to early identify dementia symptoms and ways to keep people with Dementia safe in their homes

11. Falls and Falls Prevention

Identifies risk factors of people who may be at a high risk of falls. Overview of how to prevent falls.

12. Hot Water Safety

Overview of Hot Water Safety covering NDIS Practice Standard

13. Intro to Personal Care

Introduction to Person care – including feeding, personal hygiene and toileting of people in a dignified way

14. Intro to Skin care

Overview of why skin care is important (especially in people with impaired mobility), preventing pressure related injuries

15. Intro to Self Harm and Suicide

Introduction into deliberate self harm and how to respond to someone who has self harmed. Introduction to suicide and how to identify if someone is at risk of suicide

16. Intro to Forensic Community Treatment Orders

Introduction to involuntary Community Treatment Orders – gives the state the authority to detain a person for treatment

17. Intro to Involuntary Treatment Orders

Part of a treatment plan which gives permission for a person to be treated without their consent

18. Intro to Hoarding and Squalor

Basic introduction to why people hoard and supporting people who live in squalor conditions (safety, PPE etc)

19. Intro to Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Identifies signs and symptoms of Drug and Alcohol abuse in people we support (and their parents or carers)

20. Transporting Customers

Outlines how to safely transport customers.

21. Advance Care Directives

Overview of ACD including Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders.

22. Intro to End of life support.

Describes how some people that your organisation supports may require palliative care due to a terminal illness, and that people will still be provided support, but will also need the support of a multidisciplinary care team, including palliative care.

23. Supporting People with visual impairment

Video presentation and supporting content around guiding a person with visual impairment. (10 min content – option to present as a separate module).

Module O: Personal Support & Care - B

1. Intro to Diabetes and Diabetes First Aid

Describes what Diabetes is – including Type 1 and Type 2, how Diabetes can be controlled, blood glucose monitoring, signs and symptoms of Low and High blood sugars, diabetic emergencies.

2. Intro to Epilepsy and Epilepsy First Aid

Explains the three main types of seizures – Focal, Generalised and Unknown. All people known to have epilepsy will have a seizure management plan, explains seizure first aid.

3. Intro to Swallowing and Eating

Dysphagia – reasons for, symptoms and management of swallowing difficulties. Includes brief swallowing difficulties video.

4. Introduction to Enteral Nutrition

An introduction of Enteral Nutrition, formula feeding and types of feeding  tubes used.

5. Introduction Nasogastric Tubes

Discusses the use of dose administration aids and explains the use of Webster packs – why they are used, and explains the safety features of Webster Packs. Video Shows Name of Person/Medications contained in the pack and frequency of administration/Photo of Person. Also includes an animation on The 7 R’s of checking medication. Pill Bob use included if your organisation uses them.

6. Introduction to Gastrostomy Care

What are PEG tubes, and how to care for a person with a  PEG tube (including oral care).

7. Intro to Continence and Bowel Care

Overview of Bowel Care and Continence – including the importance of documentation of bowel motions, use of Bristol Stool Chart, colostomies, as well as catheter care and use of incontinence devices.

8. Nutrition and Hydration

Overview of how nutrition and hydration impact on customer wellbeing (includes urine colour guide chart).

9. Intro to Allergies and Anaphylaxis

Overview of what allergies are and common causes, describes Anaphylaxis and signs and symptoms, Use of Epi-pens and Anaphylaxis first aid.

10. Intro to Asthma and Asthma First Aid

Overview of what Asthma is and how to assess the severity of an Asthma attack, describes types of medications used to treat Asthma, includes Asthma first aid.

11. Intro to Supporting People with Spinal Cord Injuries

Overview of supporting people with spinal cord injuries and spinal cord defects. Identifies common causes of Autonomic Dysreflexia and the fact it is a medical emergency.

12. Intro to Parkinson’s Disease

An introduction to Parkinson’s Disease and how this physically affects people – also points out that it is not an intellectual disability.

13. Intro to Multiple Sclerosis

An introduction to Multiple Sclerosis and how this physically affects people – also points out that it is not an intellectual disability.

14. Intro to Huntington’s Disease

An introduction to Huntington’s Disease and how this physically affects people – also points out that it is not an intellectual disability.

15. Intro to Motor Neurone Disease

An introduction to Motor Neurone Disease and how this physically affects people.

16. Intro to Chronic Kidney Disease

An introduction to the key aspects of chronic kidney disease, treatments (including dialysis overview) and diet.

Module P: Personal Support & Care - C (Airway Support)

1. Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

C-PAP and Sleep Apnoea (this topic can be added to Module B if this is the only Airway Support topic required – insert after Asthma topic).

2. Tracheostomies

An overview of tracheostomies and why people may need one.

3. Ventilation

The use of artificial ventilation.

4. Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy and suctioning of an airway.

5. Respiratory Distress

The need to monitor for RD in people with high respiratory support needs.

Module Q: Medication

1. Introduction to Medication Administration

Introduction to giving medications by a carer and the need for further competency based training.

2. Groups of Medication

Medications come in 3 different groups – tablet medications, non tablet medications (e.g. enemas, eye drops injections, nebulisers and liquid meds) and PRN (when required) medications

3. Restricted Medications

Discusses administration, storage and drug registers for restricted medications.

4. Polypharmacy

Polypharmacy refers to the use of multiple medications at the same time. This increases the risk of medication-related adverse effects and poorer health outcomes for a person. Covers NDIS Practice Standard.

5. Administering Medications

Discusses the use of dose administration aids and explains the use of Webster packs – why they are used, and explains the safety features of Webster Packs. Video Shows Name of Person/Medications contained in the pack and frequency of administration/Photo of Person. Also includes an animation on The 7 R’s of checking medication. Pill Bob use included if your organisation uses them.

6. Crushing Tablet Medication

How to crush tablet medications and the importance of having authority to allow tablets to be crushed. Can be updated to DO NOT CRUSH if your organisation prohibits staff crushing medications.

7. Right to Refuse

Explains that people have the right to refuse to take their medication. This topic discusses the duty of care in regards to giving medications, the right for the person to refuse, as well as tips to encourage a person to take their medications that have been prescribed.

8. Safe Storage of Medications

Explains the importance of safe storage of medications

9. Medication Documentation

Explains the importance of documentation following medication administration and forms that are used (Organisations own forms)

10. Medication Errors

Explains what medication errors are, and what to do in the event of an error. Also explains the process for reporting errors (including organisation medication error forms).

NDIS Practice Alerts

A series of mini modules covering NDIS Practice Alerts. Modules are added to the list as new alerts are released – these mini-modules are not able to be customised. (No additional cost for existing customers).

  • Each module can be completed in 5 to 10 minutes and includes:
    Introductory video (provided by NDIS for most practice alerts
  • A summary of the key content
  • Knowledge checks (not assessed i.e. there is no module pass mark)
  • Downloadable resources such as Quick Reference Guides (provided by NDIS for most practice alerts)
Currently available mini modules

1. Cardiovascular Disease
2. Comprehensive Health Assessment
3. Lifestyle Risk Factors
4. Transitions of care between disability services and hospitals
5. Medicines associated with swallowing problems
6. Medicines that can cause respiratory depression
7. Polypharmacy
8. Dysphagia

9. Pain Management
10. Epilepsy Management
11. Oral Health
12. Influenza
13. Prevention of Respiratory Infections
14. Hot Water Safety
15. Sun and Summer Safety
16. Safe use of Hoists
17. Buccal & Intranasal Midazolam for Epilepsy

Clinical & Speciality

*not part of the induction package setup

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Specific content (videos) around donning and doffing PPE (Mask, Gloves, Gowns, Glasses) as well as hand washing techniques (water and sanitizer), key Corona Facts, specific mask advice and re-using PPE, and Picture Resources.

2. Complex Bowel Care

Covers NDIS High Intensity Skills Descriptors for Complex Bowel Care.

3. Meal Time Support

Covers NDIS High Intensity Skills Descriptors for Enteral Feeding and Management, Dysphagia and Mealtime Preparation and Delivery.

4. Enteral Feeding

Covers NDIS High Intensity Skills Descriptors for Enteral Feeding.

5.Tracheostomy Care and Ventilation

Covers NDIS High Intensity Skills Descriptors for Tracheostomy Care.

6. Continence and Catheter Care

Covers NDIS High Intensity Skills Descriptors for Urinary Catheters (IDC & SPC).

7. Assisted Breathing Devices

Covers NDIS High Intensity Skills Descriptors for CPAP/BiPAP Ventilation

8. Subcutaneous Injections

Covers NDIS High Intensity Skills Descriptors for Subcutaneous Injections.

9. Diabetes and Insulin Administration

Covers NDIS High Intensity Skills Descriptors for managing Diabetes. This module discusses Diabetes Management, Blood Glucose Monitoring and Insulin Administration

10. Epilepsy Awareness

Covers NDIS High Intensity Skills Descriptors for High Risk Seizure

11. Hygiene, Skin and Wound Care

Covers NDIS High Intensity Skills Descriptors for Pressure Care Management and Wound Care.

12. Stoma care

Covers NDIS High Intensity Skills Descriptors for Stoma Care

13. Medication Management and Administration

Covers NDIS Provision of Support Environment – Knowledge Requirements for Management of Medication.

14. Management of Waste

Covers NDIS Provision of Support Environment – Knowledge Requirements for Management of Waste.

15. Nutrition

Designed to complement face-to-face competency assessments and provide a basic theoretical knowledge for staff.

16. Dental and Oral Hygiene

Designed to complement face-to-face competency assessments and provide a basic theoretical knowledge for staff.

17. General Observations

Overview of temp, heart rate, oxygen saturation and blood pressure. Designed to complement face-to-face competency assessments and provide a basic theoretical knowledge for staff.

18. Allergies and Anaphylaxis Support

Designed to complement face-to-face competency assessments and provide a basic theoretical knowledge for staff.

19. Oxygen Therapy

Designed to complement face-to-face competency assessments and provide a basic theoretical knowledge for staff.

20. Asthma

Designed to complement face-to-face competency assessments and provide a basic theoretical knowledge for staff.

21. Mental Health

Designed to complement face-to-face competency assessments and provide a basic theoretical knowledge for staff.

22. Cyber Safety

Introduction to cyber safety. Includes video animation of basics, safe email use, passwords, phishing, SPAM, Malware, and do’s and don’ts of internet and technology usage in the work setting.

23. First Nations Cultural Awareness

Introduction to working with First Nations communities. Includes Culture, Historical Implications for Organisations and Staff, The Aboriginal Flag, Family and Kinship, Commonly Used Terms, Identity and Image, Self Determination, Communication, Building rapport, & Significant Cultural Days

24. Food Safety in a Community Setting

Discusses what is food safety, personal hygiene, hand washing and glove use, keeping food safe (temperature control and bacteria), cleaning and sanitising, pest control, food safety for enteral nutrition, allergies and cross contamination and support worker roles.

25. Dementia Care

An overview of types of Dementia, signs and symptoms, treatment and care of people with Dementia. Including personal care, hygiene, nutrition, pain and safety.

26. Functional Decline (in Older People)

An overview of key concepts and practices relating to functional decline in older people being supported (4 videos – intro, common indicators, risks in the home, what to do).

27. Acquired Brain Injury

Overview of Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and how it can affect a person. This module includes information on, the Brain and Central Nervous System, what is an ABI, how brain injury affects people, as well as therapies, treatment and supports

28. Trauma Informed Care

An introduction to Trauma and how it impacts those who have experienced Trauma, including: Understanding Trauma, What is Trauma Informed Care?, Understanding the Person, A Trauma Informed Approach to Positive Behaviour Support and, Recognising Vicarious Trauma

29. Foundation in Autism

An overview of Autism and how to support people on the Autism spectrum

30. NDIS Practice Standards - Core Module

A detailed overview (Video animations) of each of the 4 elements of the NDIS Practice Standards Core Module –
1. rights and responsibility for participants
2. governance and operational management
3. the provision of supports, and
4. the support provision environment

31. Incident Management (NDIS)

Detailed overview of managing incidents, reporting and policy and documentation links to your specific complaints management processes.

32. Emergency & Disaster Management (NDIS)

Detailed overview of Support Worker and organisational role in preparing for disasters and emergencies. Includes Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) Framework and Person Centred Emergency Plan Development.

33. Positive Behaviour Support and Restrictive Practices

Detailed overview of a positive approach to behaviour support, common causes of behaviour change, including understanding the impact of trauma. Overview of proactive and reactive strategies including formal Behaviour Support Plans. Full coverage of Restrictive Practices, including reporting requirements.

34. Drug Calculations

An overview of how to accurately calculate medication dosages. Designed as a refresher only – existing knowledge prerequisite.

35. Fire Safety

Comprehensive Fire Safety module covering first response fire fighting (cause and effect), fire extinguishers and usage, fire blankets, alarms and equipment. Videos and graphics.

36. Intro to Manual Handling

Intro to Manual Handling, including PEBLE – an easy acronym for safe manual handling practices.

37. Manual Handling – Slings/Hoists

This module covers how to support someone to transfer in a full sling lifter or hoist. This is an important manual handling skill for any healthcare worker to possess.

38. Manual Handling – Bus Transfers

This module covers the manual handling task of assisting clients with bus transfers. Supporting community access is a common manual handling task in community healthcare and other healthcare settings.

39. Contractor Induction

Induction for contractors (e.g. electricians, plumbers etc.) including appropriate licences, confidentiality statements.

For more details or information on how iinduct can be of benefit to your organisation, request a demonstration with one of our experts.

Designed specifically to help businesses in the NDIS, Community, Allied Health and Aged Care sectors ensure new and existing staff are mobilised quickly and effectively with our Learning, Compliance and Training system.